Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Should Hindi be compulsory in all offices in India?

There is a requirement of will amongst the people towards Hindi it being our national language. If we are determined towards that there will be no problem to make use of Hindi in all the offices. There was a time when people of South India opposed Hindi and they did not show adaptability to hear and learn Hindi. Time has changed. Media has also played a key role. People of South are now attracted towards TV programmes in Hindi and have gradually started admiring the language. Today a good number of people of South speak Hindi. Similarly the use of Hindi in the non-Hindi speaking areas is spreading gradually.
         The use of Hindi will bring national unity and integration. Hindi will bring the feeling of belongingness. Earlier there was a differentiation between Hindi and non-Hindi speaking people. People of non-Hindi speaking states have now started studying Hindi. The gap is becoming narrowed. If Hindi is made the official language this will bring the people closer. We may take the example of countries like Russia, China, Japan and other western countries. They are developed, prosperous and are powerful nations. They always follow their national languages. Their highest leader speaks in his national language even outside his country. They feel proud of doing every thing in their national language. Their people, right from childhood, speak, read and write their national language. This shows their love towards their mother tongue. Their feeling is that the national language always facilitates understanding and doing better in all fields. We should emulate them and ensure our national language to be used in all the offices.
      If Hindi is made compulsory in all the offices, people will learn the same more to make themselves able to work in a better way. That will also facilitate to conveniently mix up with the people of other parts of the country. Majority of people in India speak Hindi. Why should Hindi not be made compulsory in all the offices? It is better to follow our own language than to stick to a foreign language. The new generation and youth of the day want to give importance to Hindi irrespective of his or her regionality. They understand that we can progress rapidly only when we bring the atmosphere of unity and commonality. It is language, education, culture, fashion, opportunities, social reforms and awareness which take a nation towards progress.  

Which one is better city life or village life?

I think city life is better than village life. Everything is available in city life.  While this matter is not so in village life. In my point of view education is better in city life. And all girls and all boys are intelligent in city life. In city a lots of universities and colleges are available. Many hospitals are also available in city. And all girls feel freedom in every matter like study, wander, play, make friends etc. In city life all girls and boys see movies, programmes. While parents do not forbid their daughter, son they feel free. All people are rich in city. Many people are successful in city. Everything is available in city.
          Sometimes famous person also come to city  attend any programmes. All people are busy in city life. In city life there are many facilities. Like girls and boys are busy in official work. In city all girls are vey intelligent study and  to do job. Why because parents don't forbid anything. They earn money and also learning work. In village life there are not available anything. As like hospitals, schools, colleges, shops. In village minimum girls study. Because parents forbid their daughter. So girls are backward in study. In village any parents speak their daughter where are you going? What are you doing? A lots of problem create in village life. So I don't like village life. In village girls don't fell freedom . In village all people laugh to girls. What will girls study? And what will girls become in future? In village maximum people are poor. In village a lots of problem create in girls marry. Thre are vey difficult of  village life. So I want to say that city life is better than village life . 

1. Garbag----(n) rubbis or waste, especially domestic refuse .

2. Destroy----(v) put an end to the existence of something by damaging or attacking it.

3. Dangerous---(adj) able or likely to cause harm or injury.

4. Dank----(adj) unpleasantly damp and cold.

5. Generic----(adj)  referring to a class or group not specific.                                                                                                                                          

Monday, November 29, 2010


Patna is the capital of Bihar. Patna is a big city. its ancient name was Patliputra. I want to say about Patna. A lots of historical place are in Patna. Like Indira Gandhi Planatarium, Gandhi Museum, Zoo, Science Museum, Khuda Baksh Library and Patna University, Science College. Ganga river is also in Patna. In Patna a lots of coachings, Institutes, tutions centres colleges are available. For to go to Foreign a few centre are available. And some cinema halls are also in Patna. And some famous market are also in Patna. The CM. also lives in Patna. Maximum schools and colleges are CBSE. medium and minimum colleges and schools are Bihar Board  in Patna. Gandhi Maidan and Golghar are also in Patna. And children park is also in Patna. For IIT. super thirty and rahmani thirty institutes are available in Patna. In Patna from different district other students come. And passout any entrance like BPSC, UPSC, IIT, Medical etc. A lots of people live in Patna.
      In Patna good teachers, Professors, are availabe for teaching. And here is a large population. Patna is increasing day by day. Electricity, water, roads system are good in Patna. Sometimes out of Patna's people come to Patna for visit the places like Zoo, Indira Gandhi Planatarium etc. 5 years ago when Nitish Kumar became the C.M. since then in Patna and Bihar day by day about  developing. Some places are available in Patna. Where always programmes are held. Some N.G.O.s are also available in Patna for different different work. A lots of girls hostel and boys hostel are available in Patna. Hostel owner they earn much money from students. Women's Colleges are also available in Patna. Electricity system is very good. Evey types of girls and boys live in Patna. Girls and boys are advance in every matter. I feel Patna is a good city.

Taslima Nasrin

Taslima Nasrin is BanglaDeshi writer, born in 1962. She has published poetry, essays etc. Taslima Nasrin be tried for blashphemy under Islamic laws. Taslima Nasrin is irreligious . Taslima Nasrin gave Fatwa 21 March 2007 in India. She told the Burqua the Quran does prescribe 2 March 2010. The government field blashphemy charges against her. Two people died when police opened fire to control a violent mob protesting against BanglaDeshi writer. Taki Raza Khan has declared the reward for anyone who carried out the qutal.
           She should be killed. She wrote novel Lajja. Islamic fundamentalists pronounced a fatwa against her. Later, the government should be banned her book  Lajja. She told the Quran should be revised thoroughly. She has faced jail for two years. After two months she was granted bail and left the country  Dwikhandito. If the Quran advise women to use purdah. Shuold they do so. My answer is no. Women should has use purdah, stall, hijab, chadar, no burqa no headscarf. Women should not use any of these things. Muslim women all over the world have had to suffer it.

1. League---(n) a collection of people, countries, or groups that combine for mutual protection or cooperation.

2. Incident----(n) an event or occurrence, an instance of something happening. A violent event, such as an assault or skimish.

3. Corporation---(n) a large company or group of companies authorized to act as a single entity a recognized as such in law.

4. Century---(n) a period of one hundred years, in particular each of a number of such periods from the date of the birth of christ.

5. Maoists---(n) the communist doctrines of mao zedong (1893-1976) Chinese head of state 1949-59, as formerly practised in China

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Where should we spend more money development or defence?

India has alreday spent enogh money to expend the armed forces after 1962 Indo-china war. We are already militarily very strong. What is needed today is development in other fields. The condition of roads, bridges, irrigation, power generation, communication system, factories, science, research and development are not up to the expectations. We have to spend more for further development. The condition of schools in our country, mainly in rural areas, is poor.We are talking about revolution in education.
           But there are few schools with proper infrastructure in our country even after sixty years of independence. The students today are looking for better education system, which is our responsibility to provide. Numerous people in our country are poor, living below poverty line. They have no house to live in. They are unemployed. There are so many schemes for tackling the unemployment problem. Despite that people are unemployed and fructrated. The government therefore should spend more money and create more employment opportunities. The construction of houses under various schemes should be expedited.
        Our main occupation is agriculture. 70% people are working in the farms. Consequently we have to bring more and more development into this sector. There are many areas where there are no facilities of irrigation. A lot of uncultivated land exists. That may be developed and distributed amongest the poor farmers. New machines, tools, tractors, seeds, plaants, insecticides, adequate storage facilities should be provided. The railway services in our country are not satisfactory. There are a number of places where there are no rail services existing. We need to plan and provide railway service to these areas.
       The number of trains is required to be increased and railway services are required to be made more convenient and attractive. Many cities are yet to be linked with air services. This is also the need of the hour in the progressive India. India became independent sixty years back. The people are still without electricity in many places. There are a number of people suffering for drinking water. We therefore need to spend more to develop these things which are the basic requirements of the people.
     We see a lot of damage to crops and other properties due to floods in India. A lot of work is required to be done to check the loss of men and materials due to floods.  The state of tourism in India is not satisfactory. We need to create more attractive items to attract both domestic and foreign tourists. We are required to muster efforts to bring new major creations in this field to enable us to establish our tourism on the world map. That will also be the permanent and good source of revenue for the nation.  I feel love marriage is better.

                                                                               Word Meaning             
Segment---(noun) each at the parts into which something is or may be divided.

Rough-----(adjective) having an uneven or irregular surface not smooth or level.

Verb-----work or shape in a rough, preliminary fashion make uneven.

Successful-----(adjective) accomplishing an aim or purpose.

Stock------(noun) a supply of goods or materials available sale or use.

Which is better love marriage and arrange marriage?

In my point of view love marriage is better. Because in this case of love  marriage the boy and the girl love each other. And they like each other before they are married. Thus they can lead a happy married life.
For marriage, love, understanding, habits, likings, qualities and choice from both the sides are important aspects, which can only be assessed when the boys and girls come into close contact.
         The relation of husband and wife is very important. It is therefore necessary that they should choose their life partner as per their choice. There are some silent points which only the boy and the girl will discuss and come to some conclusion before they are married. Parents are of previous generation. Their ideas and ways of looking at the boy and the girl are governed by their traditional beliefs. That will not suit the boy and the girl who are of modern ideas.
        Thus their own selection is more important. Many marriages which were arranged by the parents have failed as the boy and the girl could not meet and understanding each other. Thus the likings of the boy and the girl are necessary. There are many requirements of boys and girls from each other. Before they are married, they see these aspects. It has been seen that love marriages have been successful as the same are as per the choice of boys and tension of the parents are reduced. Love marriage is one of the solutions to tackle the problem of dowry system and crimes related to dowry and the marriages.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


1. Name of the institution----Disha De-addiction and rehablitation centre.

Add-- Main road, Budha colony, near hopito India, Patna
             9334199373, 0612-2520204

Objective's view---Building De-addicted healthy society
                             A step towards de-addiction.

Institution's objective----Making addicted people crime free de-addicted and financial in the society.
                                      Making de-addicted youths bringing them towards society.
                                       Making addicted people healthy rehablitated and making them fertile for family,
                                       society and our country.

2- Name of the institution--Prayas Rural Development Organisation
  Add--New Harnichak school road near Beur jail, Phulwari Sharif Patna.

 Institution's objective----Development of education in scheduled tribe.
                                       Child Development.
                                        Women Development.
                                        Equality for scheduled tribes.

3-Name of the Institution---I.D.F (Integrated development foundation)

   Add---Shyam Nagar, Mourya path khajpura
              0612--2588682, 2581553

Objective view----Development in life style of village poors  and women.

Institution's objective----Solutions for problems based on health increasement and water.

Director of Manoj Kumar.

4.  Name of Institution---Assert (Association for social Engineering Research and Trainig)

 Add---Prof. T.N Sinha
 Objective view--Development of skill of person in various reasion of society

 Institution's objective----The main objective of this institution is to give proper information and awareness and whole world about social science and experiments on technological training.

Should rapists be given capital punishment?

The rape is seen as a greatly disliked act in the society because of the disgrace which is attached with the victim. Rape is a sexual assault against non-sexual needs which is a major crime committed knowingly. Every rapists, before committing the act, knows that rape is a crime in our society. Despite that he dares to do so.
A girl or a women who is a victim of rape loses her position in the community and society.
           People see such victims with stigma. They also face humilition. This is a big crime in Indian society, which is conservative, and is unlike western society. There cases where a victim of rape has committed suicide as she could not bear social criticism. If the rapists are not punshid with capital punishment, the cases will increase and female community will suffer more.
          Rape affects the honour of a girl severely. She can not face up in the society. She always feels victimised and inferior. There are cases where the girls, who have been raped, could not get marries due to devalution of their social reputation as rape is treated as a reproachful act in the society. We know these days boys and girls are working together. If girls feel insecure that will adversely affect the joint performance of men and women, ultimately the organization will suffer.
          We do not want fear of rape in the society. India is a democratic country, we are committed to ensuring a free and fearless society. There should not be any fear of such violence. The only remedy is tough law and capital punishment to the criminals. It will be necessary to be more rigorous, to ensure speedier prosecution and delivery of justice in the rape cases, after giving all legal opportunity to the alleged rapist. If he is found guilty, he must be given capital punishment so as to set examples for others.
         It will be necessary to check such a disgraceful crime in the society by awarding capital punishment to the criminals so that the people will not commit such actions in future. Thus capital punishment is the only answer to check such heinous violence in the society. I suggest that the rapists must be given capital punishment for such serious crimes.

                              Word Meaning

Unemployment - noun the state of being unemployed.

The number or proportion of unemployed people.

Extent- noun

The area covered by something.

The degree to witch something.

Industry – noun economic activity concerned with the processing of raw material & manufacture of

goods in factories.

Effective –[n] producing a desired or intended result.

Admire – [v] regard with respect or warm approval.

Look at pleasure.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Which is better---government service or private service?

These days people are getting good salary and good working conditions in private jobs. Talented people are getting promotion fast. Good private companies are giving job securities to the individuals. Their main requirement is good output. These days lot many multinational companies have come to our country. They are paying good salary. You may get chance to go abroad in private service for companies work. There is no reservation in the private sector. Talent is the basic criterion there.
          There is better career in private sector. There are opportunities for rise for skilled candidates. The companies are giving good incentives and extra dividend like bonus against good production and profit. This makes good money for the people in the private sector. All students want to go in private sector. A lots of money get students in private sector. These days maximum people like private sector. Era is very fast these days. Our personality is also change in private sector. All work is time to time in private sector. And in private sector you get a chance to work on your on profession. You get better chance in private for dealing. Beyound office hours you are free. If you over time, you are paid for that in the private sector.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Do you think money is everything?

I want to say about money. In  my opinion money is everything all over the world. Because without money no one can achieve anything. Money is more important for better education, cloths, food, job etc. And without money we can not live in the world. Suppose if people have no money then they are active for somedays. They will die if they have no money. Today all people know about Barack Obama, Anil Ambani,  Mukesh Ambani, Amitabh Bacchan, Sonia Gandhi etc. They are famous all over the world. Why do all people know them? Because they have lots of money.
     And any students passout any entrance from labour he has lots of money. Why do not poor student take admission in medical and engineering colleges. Because they can not pay the capitation fee. Students are backward all over the world. And without money we can not eat anything. And we can not wear clothes and without money we can't change our personality and our family. And we can't go to any place for outing. Without money we can't get job. Because when any student go to any institute then any manazer demands money. You can get job if you have money.  Then I can't give you job. In our Bihar when any vacancy cpmes suppose for post of Teacher, Principals, etc. Then all people pay a lots of blck money. Then they get job. If any student wants to take admission then he can't get admission. Suppose rich student has a lots of money and he is not well in study then he can get admission from donation. In this world one who has not a lots of money. Then he will die. But any rich people can't help other people. So I think money is everything.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What is more important in a women beauty or intelligence?

I want to say that in this modern era intelligence is very important. Because in this era a lots of women are successful all over the world. If any women have no knowledge. Then a good marriage is not possible. There  if any women have a lots of knowledge. Then she gets married easily. And today Indira Gandhi, Hillery clinton, Anjela Markel, Marry Quiry, Julia child, Jen Adems, Mother Teresa, Kiran Bedi etc are considered most powerful women all over the world. All people know these women all over the world. Why? Because these women are most talented. So in my point of view every women should study. And should bring laurels to Country. So that Nation may take pride in women.
         And recently one lady won in KBC who is a women of Jharkhand. Whose name is Taslim Rahat. In past no one knew her name and today all people know her all over India. Why? Because She has talent. And She became first women crorepati.
       Intelligence is required in everybody. A man or a women is nothing without intelligence. An intelligent girl will always be good in studies. She will secure a good job. She will get husband of equal status and will lead a happy married life.  They are intelligent and efficient. An intelligent women is cared and respected everywhere. And intelligent women can achieve good skill in every field. She can do any job  and earn money. The time has changed, education is getting advanced day by day. There is an important role of a women in a family. Her intelligence is useful in many fields. An intelligent women knows the  advantage and disadvantage of everything. Many women are in good position in corporate sector also. .
     In my point of view intelligence is more important  for a women.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Students should join politics or not

Students should join politics. Because without politics there is nothing.  From politics PM, CM, Governor, President, Vice president are elected by people. And our country is already Democratic. In our country everything is politics. So students should join politics because anyone who becomes leaders of our country do not work well. They fight for chair and money in politics government give some money for making home for poor people. But that money do not reach to the poor people. So I want to say that in my point of view youth generation should be come to politics. And our country should be developed. Ordinary person has no authority. Students unity should fight with government. When students will come to politics then the person will get authority. Because in politics anyone becomes leader they are above 45 and 50. So they do not work well. And when students will come to politics well they are of young age. So they will work with interest. In politics age too has its effect. Because of which leaders are not able to work well. They do not have zeal. And when students will come to politics then our country will develop. They will work with new vigour.

Monday, November 22, 2010


First of all I want to say that I live in Bihar. Patna is the capital of Bihar. And Railway Minister is Mamta Banarji. And at present  CM. is Nitish Kumar. Vice CM. is Shusil Kumar Modi. And Governor is Devanand Kumar. And I want to give some information about Bihar. Bihar is not developed. And in Bihar alots of people are illitrate and very few people are educated. In our state anyone who becomes CM. They don't work well. So today Bihar is backward and this is very necessary for youth to come forward in politics. Probably then Bihar will be developed. Today in our state alots of atudents are educated. But in our state there is no job for them. And it is shame to our state. They prepare to go to foreign like Amrica, London, South Africa, Australia etc. So the CM  should think about this problem. Because the CM is responsible for this. If in our state all students stayed probably today our state will develop. In our state a very big problem is population. Everyday this problem is growing. And CM is saying to all nation about population. Hum do hamare do. But in our nation are  not effective. In really it should not be this. If all nation understand then of course Bihar will be developed. There is dearth of every thing like in every District there is no facility for study. Today in our state a lots of student are coming from different different District. Those students will be successful in future. Because in Patna there are many types of University and Colleges and Schools available. Today all people think then probably our state will be developed. When Bihar will develop . Then CM. will be sincere to his work. Then easily our state will be developed. And in our state a very big problem is all leaders are currupt. So how will our state develop.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Co-education means of both boys and girls in the same school or college. The understanding of men and women is an important part of education. In modern age, it is necessary to work hand to hand. Co-education trains both men and women to live peacefully and happily. Education develops all powers of boy's and girl's. They must know each other. Their married life will fail without clearly understanding each other. This is one of the advantage of co-education. Both men and women try for some jobs in the country. The competition is open to them. There are some people who dislike co-education. Girl's are shy by nature. They can not study in boy's educational institution with all freedom. Mahatma Gandhi wanted to educate both boy's and girl's on equal terms. They many women hold high post in the country and abroad. Both boy's and girl's must learn good manners. Some boy's get busy in making friends with each other. Co-education is good from the social view point also. Young boy's and girl's yet get opportunity to understand each other. Some young students choose their lifepartners from among their class fellows. In this way, the problem of marriage for many parents is solved. Boy's and girl's educated together prove more successful in their family and social life. Co-education is dangerous for the high school and intermediate classes. At this stage several physical and mental change take place.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bhagat Singh

Bhagat Singh was born on in village Banga, chak No 105, and G.B in the Lyallapur District (now in Pakistan) on 26 September 1907 a sikh family. He is the symbol of the heroism of the youth of India. Leader Bhagat Singh who sacrificed his life for India's freedom. Bhagat Singh's father Kishen Singh and uncle Ajit Singh were members of the Gadar Party which was founded in the U.S. Bhagat Singh's grandfather Arjun Singh was drawn to Arya Samaj, a reformist movement of Hinduism, and took a keen interest in all activities of the Indian National Congress.
        Bhagat Singh was called Bhaganwala (the lucky child of God) by his granmother. Bhagat Singh's mother Vidyavati lead a life filled with tension and sorrow. Bhagat Singh's mother did not want her children also to become a part of freedom struggle. Bhagat Singh was a lovely boy with a charming smile. People used to say that he will become famous. But no one ever thought the he would become a heor. Bhagat Singh begun his primary education at the district board Primary School in Banga (District jullender). Bhagat Singh was moved to the D.A.V High School Lahore.
          Bhagat Singh was diffrent from other boys of his age. When he was in the 4th class, Bhagat Singh asked his classmates, ''what do you wish to become when you grow up.'' Each boy gave a diffrent answer. '' I intend becoming a Doctor'', said one. Another said, ''I will be government Officer''. Still another would become a Merchant, while another ''would marry''. Bhagat Singh remaked, is marriage a big achievement? Anybody can marry. On the other hand, I will drive the British out of India. Bhagat Singh was an intelligent child. He scored good marks in subjects like history, geography, and arithmetic. But he had a bad score in English 68 out 150. This knowledge strengthened his will to fight for India's freedom. Of them the former was spending his life in prison. He spent most of his childhood in Pakistan's, Punjab paarticularly Lahore. Bhagat Singh was only 12 year old when the Jalliahwala Bag Massacre took place. He was deeply disturbed by this event.
        The young Bhagat Singh was just a little over 11 at the time of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. He was deeply distrubed and angry. The next day he did not return home after the school hours and his family at home grew anxious, as strict curfew had been imposed. Instead of coming home, Bhagat Singh went straight to the place of tthe tragedy. Somehow managing to push through the police on guard, he went in. He collected a bottle of mud wet with the blood of Indians and returned home. Bhagat Singh's sister inquired from his the cause of deley. She said ''where were you all this time? Mother has been waiting ro give something to eat.'' But Bhagat Singh was not at all thinking of food. Showing the bottle in his hand, he said to her, look here. This is the blood of our people killed by the British. Salute this. Then he put the bottle in a niche and worshipped it with flowers. This was the time when the Indian National Congress was fighting for the country's freedom. It was trying to awaken the people's love. For their country and at the same time trying to unite the people. Even before entering the 9th class. Bhagat Singh decided to Join them in their work.       
       He was only 13 year old. Bhagat Singh informed his father about his decision and asked for his consent. Himself a revolutionary, Kishen Singh willingly agreed. Bhagat Singh left the school and Joined the movement. In 1923, Bhagat Singh joined the National College, Lahore. He had his revolutionary traning in this college. He was studying  at the National College founded and managed by  a revolutionary leader Lala Lajpat Roy and Bhai Parmanad. Bhagat Singh had good knowledge of history and politics. In the evening he would collect several friends and discuss the coming revolution. This was the daily routine of Bhagat Singh was fluent in Urdu, Hindi, English and Sanskrit. The aim of my life is to fight for India's freedom. Bhagat Singh left his house in Lahore and reached kanpur.
                First he earned his leaving by selling papers. At home Bhagat Singh's parents were much worried about their son. His gandmother, seriousely ill at that was eager to see her grandson Bhagat Singh idfea was a sucess. Bhagat Singh came to adress the people. Bhagat Singh was just 23 year old when he embraced death.

Friday, November 19, 2010


 New Delhi---Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan concerned that, the co-ordination with Aishwarya is going best. For the permotioning of 'Gujarish' which is new movie of Abhinit Sanjay Lila Bhansali, Hrithik Roshan came. We both feel exactily right in this co-ordination. We both are in the same way, in the matters of incourageness of movie and their works. He told, I exactily recall, when I take a  short advertisement with Aishwaroya before 10 years  then to now co-ordination is continue before us. Website Bollywood Gasips told to the Hrithik's guard. I used telicast the short which did by me, with Aishwarya. I used to do, without giving any short communication she went out. So I told to myself, I have to do the short again.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Yesterday I got up early in the morning at 6'o'clock. Thereafter I freshened then I read the course book for two hour. And after that I read the Newspaper The Times Of  India and Hindustan paper. And I received got a lots of information from Newspaper. As the main News was that of A Raja who has reigned from his post. And that News I read and I also heared on Radio at 8'o'clock. And afterthat I took breakfast bread and vegetable. Afterthat I talked to sister about A Raja's news. And afterthatI went upstairs to bring water. And then I came to my room. And then I started thinking what should I do? Then a matter came my mind that was going on the terrace for walking. Then I went and I walked on the terrace. And when I came to my room. Then I remembered that I have to read course book. Because my examination is near. So I began to read course book two hour. And then I took lunch rice, pluse, vegetable and ate with sis. And then I prepared a topic to write on Blog. Afterthat my sis told me get ready. And we came to English classes. And then my Teacher taught us both. And I asked my Teacher. Sir what should I do to learn English? Then my Teacher advised me that to learn English. You read a lots of English Novels, English paper, English magazine. Then you can speak English. For learning English this is very necessary that every students read Tense, Conjuction, causative verb, active passive voice. This information my Teacher gave to me. And when my class was over. Then I went to Gandhi maidan with sis and I took two Novels in English. And then I came to my room. I freshened and afterthat I went to cafe with sis. I wrote an essay  on my Blog. And then I came to hostel. I got fresh and took buiscuits and tea. And afterthat I read the course book and Novels. The Novels that I had brought. I read that Novels. Then I was very happy to read the Novels. And then I cooked-food. And I took dinner with sis. Then I went to bed at 12'o'clock.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Oral stage-----This stage lasts up to 18 months from the birth of a child. Sucking involves both tactual stimulation of of mouth as well as swallowing. Later when the teeth erupt the mouth is used by the child for biting and chewing. Since the child is primarily concerned about seeking pleasure, the needs immediate gratification of the need. Since gratification of need at this stage depends on mother, she becomes the first love object for the child. Feeling at the mother's breast in the most important activity, both physically and phychologically for the young child.For this reason, psychologically refers to the period from birth to about eight mouths as the oral sucking period. It is held that the modes of oral activity. Sucking and swallowing and biting/chewing are the prototypes for many later personality traits that develop.      

Anal stage-----This stage starts when the child is around one a half years old and ends when she is three years of age. This stage is divided into two substages ie the anal expulsive period and the anal retention period. The anal expulsive phase overlaps with the closing stages of oral period. The expulsion of the feces removes discomfort and produced a feeling of relief. When toilet training is initiated, the child has her first experience with the external regulation of an instinctual impulse. During the anal retention period, the child is expected to accede to the demands of toilet training. The child has to learn to derive pleasure from retention than expulsion. Depending upon the particular method of toilet training used by the mother and her feelings concerning defecation, the consequences of toilet training have for reaching effect upon the formation of specific personility traits and values.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Social network-----In the words of Scottlin kuper and kuper (eds). 1996:795 a social network is any articulated pattern of connection in the social relations of individuals, groups and other collectivities". The origin of the term may be traced back to 1930s when many social scientists started using the terms like'web' fabric, etc in the context of society. These words were initially used by Radcliff Brawn in Anthropology and Jacob Moreno in social psychology. It was Moreno who propounded the idea of depicting a social network with the helps of a diagram called soogram. It was George Haman who in the year 1951 formalised the network metaphor.
                           In social work the term 'network' is used in a specific sense to refer to an interconnection or web or fabric of various like minded voluntary organizations community based organizations community based organizations (CBO) non-government organizations (NGO) engagged in the pursuit of similiar objectives created with a view to working together in a coordinated and effective manner. In the contemporary social setup in which the state is gradually withdrawing from the social sector, leaving it primarily to the voluntary organization to work, there has been a mushroom growth in their numbers and many of them singly are quite weak, and it has become essential now that social networks are created to increase their effectiveness through their webbed existence and coordinated functioning.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Empowerment of women--The Ninth  five year plan adopted the stratery of a women's component plan, under which not less than 30percent of funds are earnmarked in all the women related sector for women specific programmes. A review by the planning comission of the progress of the women's component plan during the Ninth plan (1997-2002) confirmed that nearly 42.9 percent of the Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) in central Ministers/Departments aggregating a total amount of Rs. 51.942.53 crores has been spent on women. The Tenth five year plan (2002-07) has undertaken to further strength the process of the women's empowerment plan.
                                    In order to address the phenomenon of domestic violence, which is widely prevalent but remains largely invisible in the public domain, the Protection From Domestic Violence Bill 2002 has been introduced in the parliament.

Development of children---The Integrated Child Development Services(ICDS) Department of women and child development aimed at the holistic development of children in the age group 0-6 years and pregnent and lactating mothers from disadvantaged sections.
                                     The Balika Samriti Yojana Launched in the 1997 has been filed 3.5 million children in 2001-02.

Social welfare---The 10th plan will continue the three pronged strategy initiated in the Ninth plan of (!) empowering the disabled, (2) reforming the social deviants and (3) caring for the other disadvantaged, with a special focus on convergence of the existing service in all related welfare and development sectors.

Welfare of the physically/mently challenged----In the line with the commitment of the Tenth plan to empower as many disabled persons as possible to become active, self-reliant and productive contributers the national economy, the plan has relied upon the strength and support of the provision of persons with Disabilities Act 1995.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Globalization means the economic intrgration of the country with the rest of the world. In other words, it is a process of integrating the various economics of the world without creating any hindrances in the flow of goods. And services techonology, capital and labour. This involves four comments.

1. Reduction of trade barriers in the from of custom duties or quantitative restrictions or quotas so as to permit free flow of good and services among different economic.

2. Creation of an environment in which free flow of capital (or investment) can take place between nation-states.

3. Creation of an environment for free flow of technology ,and .

4. Creation of an environment in which free flow of labour or human resources can take place among different countries of the world.
 ( Advantages of Globalisation)

Globalization generates many advantages for developing economy like India-among these the more important ones can be briefly summed up as follows;
1. Globalization helps in removing in efficiency. In the absence of globalization prolonged protection of domestic industry has serious damaging  effects on cost structure. Industries habitually fall asleep under protective umbrellas and become careless about cast.

Globalization serves to gives a boost to the long run average growth rate of the economy by ;
1. Improving the allocative efficiency of resources.
 2. Reducing the capital output ratio; and

Globalization helps to restructure the production and trade pattern in favour of labour-intensive goods and labour-intensive techniques.

Foreign capital is attracted to exploit the professional export oppoortunities along the above lines. With the entry of foreign capital, updated technology also enters the country.

With the entry of foreign competition and the removel of import tariffbarriers, domestic industry will be subject to price-reducing and quality improving effects in the domestic economy.

Uneconomic import subsitution will slowly disappear and cheaper imports, particulary of capital goods, will reduce the capital-output ration in manufacturing. Lower prices of manufactured goods will improve the terms of trade in favour of agriculture.

The main effect of globalisation is felt in the consumer goods industries.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Minorities --- In a very general sense the term minority refers to a relatively small group of people differing from other in race religion language or political persuasion. In the administrative vocabulary the statistical forms the basis of defining the minority group. Thus a community with less than 50 percent strength of the population in a state qualifies to be counted under the category of minority. Low numericial count often entails discrimination and lack of power in various spheres of life.                                                            They feel disadvantaged and oppressed segregated and sometimes ridiculed. At every stage they are required to negotiate their demands with securing admission in school or a well paying job. The assertion of rights by minorities and the reluctance of the majority to yield often leads to conflicts sometimes involving violence and bloodished. In several situations the majority feels that the demands of the minority are uncalled for and unjustified. In the Indian democracy which uphold equality and freedom for all citizens irrespective of their status the constitution. In fact the constitution adopts measures and safeguards to recognize the rights at the minorities in conserving their culture establishing and administereting educationall institutions of their choice. The National Minorities Development and finance corporations was set up in 1994-95 for their economic upliftment.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Ethics help professionals to act morally in difficult situations. The need for such behaviour in social work is important due to the following reasons.

Social worker's during their interaction with clients and their significiant others have to sensitive information:-The purpose of the client to share information is to enable the social worker to get better insight into the problem and then help the client to solve the problem.

Social worker's are often in situatuations where their decision can cause serious damage to the client:- Their personalities are often disintegrated and they may be vulnerable to emotional and phical abuse in some cuses the caseworker may unconsciously commit an error which causes damage to the client.

Social worker's occupy positions of authority in governmental and non-government organization:-  Accountability means to give count of, you have been entrusted with certain goods and after use you have to account for what you have used for what purpose how and to what effect.

Social worker's are often in positions where they can allocate resourcesp:-  This is true of a country like India where scarcity exists almost every where. In an adoption center a social worker may be asked where a particular couple can be allowed to adopt a child. The social worker opinion will have abearing on the lives of atleast three individuals.

Social worker's have to presserve professional autonomy:- In a democratic country the government is the ultimate authority and it plays an important role in regulating other institution. If the profssionals the selves regulate their affairs government action becomes unnecessary and their professional autonomy can be preserved.
       Probably on other profession deals with these aspects as directly as social work. A policeman has to think whether his action would reduce the crime rate and whether he is following.  The due process of law when he is acting. The lawyer has to only think whether  his/her clients interests will be served by his/her actions. A priest has to only worry whether his actions will help fulfill the individual's religious needs. But the social worker's decisions should express concern for human dignity and human self.       

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Human security--we must have an idea of what exactly is meant by social security---
what kinds of services are provided, who are the beneficiaries, which are the institutions through which they are provided, and so on. Also and this is very important--why social security measures need to the provided.
                       These measures include maternity leave provident fund and gratuity, and so on. But in recent times it has been felt that since a small proportion of workers in developing nations are in the organised sector, and since the poor and marginal vulnerability regarding income and consumption opportunities, it is pertinent to expand the scope of the concept of social security .For a large number of people in developing nations, particularly for those in the rural areas and thiose who are poor, deprivation and vulnerability are unpleasant facts of life.
                      In developed countries, certain instruments have been found to be important, like unemployment insurance, old age pensions and invalidity benefits. This approach may not be altogther useful and appropriate when we study developing countries. Instead of  approaching the definition in terms of means, we could define social security in terms of objectives of removing deprivation and recluding vulnerability. It includes actions by the public for itself. During disasters, but also otherwise, the actions of NGOS, charitable and religious institutions must be mentioned here. In many traditional societies in India, the family too has acted as a provider of social security. Sometimes it can be taken to mean the checks and the pressures that, say, the print media keeps on the government. Involvement and activism by the public is necessary. Government can adopt two broad approaches to social security measures. The first way is to promote general economic growth and use the general benefits according from growth to help vulnerable sections of the population. The second approach is to take public action measures directly in terms of social sectors such as education and health and also promote better income distribution patterns, and generate employment.
               The first approach seems to have worked very well for east Asian countries like Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and South Koria, as also countries like Kuwait united Arab Emirates. Cuba is a classic example of the second approach, as in China. In fact some observers argue that in China, when liberalisation led to very high growth rates in the eighties and nineties, social indicators like the in fact mortality rate actually rose.
              India is a case in point. In the 1950 India choose a path of development that emphasised economic growth butrelied on the public sectors as the engine of growth and let this sector occupy the 'commanding heights' of the economy.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


The term social movements ''covers vairous forms of collective action aimed at social recorganization''. In generally social movements are not highly instiutionaliged and arise from spontaneous social protest directed at specific or widespread grievances. ''A social movement is a deliberate collective endeavour to promote change in any direction and by any means not excluding violence, illegatity, revolution or withdrawl into 'utopian' community -----A social movement must evince a minimum degree of organization though this may range from a loose informal or portial level of organization to the highly institutionalized or bureaucratized movement and the corporate group -----According to MC Adam it all (1988) in (Veena Das (ed) 2003:1525). The term 'social movements' refers to a diverse spectrum of collective social and political phenomena as heterogeneoul as revolutions religious sects political organizations or single-issue campaigns or anti-colonial resistance and resistance against in roads by alleged 'outsiders'.
  The salient features of social movements are;
1 .Initiation of one or the kind of commonly agreed upon activity according to some formulated or chalked out plan as per decided programme shedule.

2. Some kind of reference to ideas of autonomy,equity,human right,social recorgnization, removel of social evil, etc.

3. Various kinds of manifestations such as revolt, rebellion and employment of method likes protest, demonstration, strike, gheroo, bounds etc.

4. Unstable and transitory nature and non-visibility of any distinct point of beginning or termination of social movements.

5. Awareness of and commitment and devotion to the common cause and some kinds of organization for launching collective action through mobilization of like-minded people's efforts.

Friday, November 5, 2010


In order  to development a broad perspective concerning the potential uses of groups in social work practice,it is helpful to understand the developments that have occured in the study of groups and in the practice of group work over the years. This historical perspective will also give tou a firm foundation upon which a knowledge base can be built upon for effective group work practice.
Two types of inquiries have enhanced our understanding of groups. One type of inquiry has come come from social scientists who have studied groups by experimenting with them in laboratories or observations of group's functioning  in community setting. The other type has come from group work practitioners who have examined how groups function in practice settings like social work, psychology, education and recreation. The results of both enquiries have led to improved methods of working with a variety of different types of groups.
A basic research question that was asked by social scientist concerns the extent to which being a part of a group influences the individual group member. The early findings suggest that the presence of others has a significant influence on an individual group member and tends to generate forces to conform to the standards of behaviour and judgments of individual members. Le Bon in 1910 referred to the forces that were generated by group interactions as 'group contagion' and 'group mind' , recognising that people in groups react differently from individuals.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


There are a number of stages or phases in formation of a social work group. Ken Heap (1985) discussed these as group formation and planning, the first meetings, the working phase; use of activities and action; and the termination of the Group. According to Douglas (1979) there are five stages viz; conceptualisation, creation, operation, termination and evalution. He has disscussed these as the functions of leader while Toseland and Rivas (1984) discussed the stages under planning phase, beginning phase, middle phase and ending phase.
For our purpose we can discuss the stages of social group practice under the following five heads;
   Pre-group (group formation) phase
   Initial (first meetings) phase
   Middle (Active working) phase
   Evalution of the group
    Terminating/ending  the grop phase
 In the pre-group phase worker identifies the need for organising a group and initiates steps to form the group. In the initial (first meetings) phase the worker and the group members meet at the place specified-agency or any other place where group is likely to have its sessions-and initial orientation to the groups' purpose and other information is given and shared. In the middle (active working) phase the group continues its deliberations and activities to accomplish its goals and in evaluation phase the performance of the group is examined vis-a-vis the group purpose and members, goals. Finally, in the ending or termination phase the group is made to dissolve and the worker enables the members to part with each other on a goodwill note.