There are several ways in which one can get infection with HIV. It is very important to know the routes of HIV transmission. This will help us to avoid the spread of HIV. In other words, understanding how HIV passes from one person to another will enable us to protect ourselves. Various types of sexual activity and the risks involved in transmitting HIV during those acts. This is the most common form of sexual activity. Transmission of HIV from men to women and from women to men is well documented.
Male to male transmission through anal intercourse occurs at the rate of one infection per 10 sexual acts. Usually penile-anal activity is not recommended even between a mutual faithful husband and wife on health grounds. It is against dignity for the man to force his wife to agree for penile-anal sex against her will. Virous is shed in the saliva. Almost half thr populations in most urban areas live in slums which comprise a small room without any privacy and safety. Husband and wife hardly talk to each other on sex and sexuality.
Unlike several permissive societies in the world, the percentage of homosexuals and lesbians in India are very insignificant. Kissing has been shown to pose a risk of transmission. It is always risky to have sex with Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs) in India. Reports indicate that most of the sex workers suffer from STDs and a large number of CSWs are also found to be HIV infected across the country. Different types of practices are grouped under four categories. Unsafe practices with high risk, unsafe practices with unclear risk, low risk practices with some risk an practices with probably no risk.
There are various categories of persons who are vulnerable to HIV infection through sexual contacts. In every culture, and society one does come across sex workers. They are mostly women who sell their bodies for a price (money). Some men may also involve in male prostitution. Often they have to provide sexual satisfaction to several men in a day. Call girls are those who live a more comfortable life. They usually serve customers in their homes or hotels and earn handsome amount. Some sex sexual relationship are very high-risk activities. In case of anal sex, penetration becomes painful for both active and passive partners, as the anus can not receive an erect penis.
There are some documented cases from various parts of the world where HIV has been transmitted through artificial insrmination. People who donate sperm can also pass on HIV if they are infected. There are several sperm banks located in various parts of the country. There are also reports of students from professional colleges and educational institutions who donate sperm for making additional posket money. HIV reproduces itself in the CD4 lymphocytes which circulate in the blood and other body fluids. All the forms of exposure to HIV, blood transfusion is the most effective means of transmitting the virus from person to person.
Blood that is collected fromm a donor can be separated into different components using a cell seprator. HIV can be transmitted through infected organs. HIV is found in the blood as well as the tissue of an infected organ. Since an infected person's body fluids contain HIV it is essential that screening for HIV is carried in cases of organ transplantation of any kind such as kidney, bone marrow, eyes, skin, semen etc. Patients who suffer from various blood disorders like various types of anemia, especially Thalassemia or Leukemia require multiple transfusions. Injecting drug users are potential channel for transmission of HIV. In India, injecting drugs users have a high incidence of the infection.
The drug addicts often sell their blood to purchase drugs. The Supreme Court of India has banned professional blood donation in the country. Blood donations and blood banks were started in India since 1941. During this period, the Second World War was in full swing. Today there are over a thousand registered blood banks all over the country. 75 percent of the Indian population lives in villages. Blood is an essential component of the body which provides sustenance to life. The blood trade flourishes with poor people like unemployed, rickshaw pullers, and drug addicts selling their blood. The blood banks presently thrive on bleeding 4000 to 5000 regular professional donors in 18-20.
Good.... informative post.