Monday, November 8, 2010


Ethics help professionals to act morally in difficult situations. The need for such behaviour in social work is important due to the following reasons.

Social worker's during their interaction with clients and their significiant others have to sensitive information:-The purpose of the client to share information is to enable the social worker to get better insight into the problem and then help the client to solve the problem.

Social worker's are often in situatuations where their decision can cause serious damage to the client:- Their personalities are often disintegrated and they may be vulnerable to emotional and phical abuse in some cuses the caseworker may unconsciously commit an error which causes damage to the client.

Social worker's occupy positions of authority in governmental and non-government organization:-  Accountability means to give count of, you have been entrusted with certain goods and after use you have to account for what you have used for what purpose how and to what effect.

Social worker's are often in positions where they can allocate resourcesp:-  This is true of a country like India where scarcity exists almost every where. In an adoption center a social worker may be asked where a particular couple can be allowed to adopt a child. The social worker opinion will have abearing on the lives of atleast three individuals.

Social worker's have to presserve professional autonomy:- In a democratic country the government is the ultimate authority and it plays an important role in regulating other institution. If the profssionals the selves regulate their affairs government action becomes unnecessary and their professional autonomy can be preserved.
       Probably on other profession deals with these aspects as directly as social work. A policeman has to think whether his action would reduce the crime rate and whether he is following.  The due process of law when he is acting. The lawyer has to only think whether  his/her clients interests will be served by his/her actions. A priest has to only worry whether his actions will help fulfill the individual's religious needs. But the social worker's decisions should express concern for human dignity and human self.       

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