Monday, November 29, 2010

Taslima Nasrin

Taslima Nasrin is BanglaDeshi writer, born in 1962. She has published poetry, essays etc. Taslima Nasrin be tried for blashphemy under Islamic laws. Taslima Nasrin is irreligious . Taslima Nasrin gave Fatwa 21 March 2007 in India. She told the Burqua the Quran does prescribe 2 March 2010. The government field blashphemy charges against her. Two people died when police opened fire to control a violent mob protesting against BanglaDeshi writer. Taki Raza Khan has declared the reward for anyone who carried out the qutal.
           She should be killed. She wrote novel Lajja. Islamic fundamentalists pronounced a fatwa against her. Later, the government should be banned her book  Lajja. She told the Quran should be revised thoroughly. She has faced jail for two years. After two months she was granted bail and left the country  Dwikhandito. If the Quran advise women to use purdah. Shuold they do so. My answer is no. Women should has use purdah, stall, hijab, chadar, no burqa no headscarf. Women should not use any of these things. Muslim women all over the world have had to suffer it.

1. League---(n) a collection of people, countries, or groups that combine for mutual protection or cooperation.

2. Incident----(n) an event or occurrence, an instance of something happening. A violent event, such as an assault or skimish.

3. Corporation---(n) a large company or group of companies authorized to act as a single entity a recognized as such in law.

4. Century---(n) a period of one hundred years, in particular each of a number of such periods from the date of the birth of christ.

5. Maoists---(n) the communist doctrines of mao zedong (1893-1976) Chinese head of state 1949-59, as formerly practised in China

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